Monday, 6 August 2012


1.How many numbers detail sections possible in a report template?
A)Multiple. But the physical page size of report template should not exceed 45 inches in length and width. Report template that exceeds this limit might faces problems at runtime…

2.How many detail sections can be added in a report template using report director?
A)Using the Director, only one detail section can be inserted in the report template. Later RDA can be used to enhance the report template and add extra detail sections

3.How many numbers (max) of Page Header/Page Footer sections possible in a report template?
A) Only one

4.How many numbers (max) of Report Header/Report Footer sections possible in a report template?
A)Only one

5.Can a business view be attached to a Page header section?
A)No. Business views can be attached to details sections only

6.what is the default font used to generate PDF reports in E1?

7.Is it possible to print the attachments that are inserted in the report?
A)No. They are just useful to explain the functionality of the report, any special logic used, documenting the changes etc.,

8.The properties and format of report headers and footers and of page headers and footers are similar to which detail section?
A)Group section

9.Report Templates Vs Batch Versions
A)Report templates are master specifications of the report. It defines the data used, how the data is
Selected , sorted, displayed, and formatted etc.
Batch versions read the master specifications from the associated report template and over ride one or more specification of the report template like:
• Section layout
• Section data selection
• Section event rules
• Section database output
• Section sort sequence
This concept allows creating requirement specific reports (versions) without touching the Master (i.e Report Template). Basically you create one report template and create multiple version by overriding the specifications.
Report Power points:
·      Report template is a Master specification
·      Batch version is a child i.e business need based customization of the Master

Thursday, 2 August 2012


1.How to create a null column in a table with out using the table copy?
a) include column in a table and generate  index operation we can create a null column in a table

2. in a table conversion does the data sequencing is used?
a)yes, it causes to a data changed event

3. whats written in format fetched event?
a)this event is used to convert the text files with different formats to data base tables

4. what different type of reports?
a)columnar , group,and tabular

5.what are events in columnar section?
a)say the events in a columnar section,initialize section,advance section,before level break,init level break header section,do section, after lost object printed,init break section,end break section,end section,suspend section.

6.can we copy a business function?
a) no we can't copy business function the copy button in omw window is disabled a header less detail form if we want to populate the grid on opening the form what should we do?
a)automatically find on entry check box property of grid should be checked

8.what is the use of different versions in applications?
a) to set the different criteria using different fields on applications with out changing the application

9what we can modify for versions in reports?
a)data sequencing,data selection,over ride the printer,event rules etc.....

10. how can we display errors for the grid columns?
a) set control error system functions

11. how can we attach data items for text box?
a)using the data dictionary item

12.if we change the description for data item can we get immediate reflection on our client machine?
a)the data dictionary changes are reflected centralized location to update the tam specs remove the dddict.ddb,dddict.xdb from the spec directory in a local path and relogin into JDE the dd items changed values reflected.

13.does the business function specs come from local are central?
a) local, if we want to get the changed specs of bf we should build it

Friday, 16 March 2012

jde interview questions_part10

1.What is an Object in JDE? Define Some…
Traditionally a One World Object was defined as any object created in Object Librarian.
Ex: Applications, Business Functions,Business Views, UBEs, Data Structures, Tables, Media Objects

2. How do JDE Stores Objects?

Central Objects Provides a central location for managing all One World objects. Only used for Development &  Software deployment.
Never used at run time

3. What is System code & Product Code? Mention Some…

Ans: – System code refers to the module object belong to. Product Code refers to the module for which object is reporting. e.g. 01, 41, 42, 03B, 55-59 etc

4. For What objects JDE maintains .h files?

Ans :- Tables and Business Functions

5. For What objects JDE maintains .h files?

Ans :- Tables and Business Functions

6.What is the Naming Convention of objects followed by JDE?
Ans :-
Batch applications RXXXXYYY
Business functions BXXXXYYY
Named event rules NXXXXYYY
Business views VXXXXYYY
Data structures DXXXXYYY
Processing options TXXXXYYY
Interactive applications PXXXXYYY
Media objects GTXXXXYYY
7. What is a Smart Field & what are its advantages?

A Data Dictionary item with an attached Business Function.
You don’t have to know how to write a Business Function. You don’t have to know how to pass values. They don’t have to be created every time you need the same functionality – they are reusable.

 8.What facility does JDE provide to achieve this purpose?

9. What are the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne components (Servers  & tools etc)
  • Databases
  • Deployment server
  • Enterprise (business logic) server
  • Web application server
  • Portal Server
  • Integration Serve
 10.explain about event rule debugger?
event rule debugger is state of the program at any point of execution
will debug the report application,and table conversation
will debugger we have 5 windows
1.object browse window
2.application window
3.brake point window
4.variables window
5.event rules window
we have 2types of  buttons 

f5:break point to break point
f10:step by step process

11.what is udc?
a valid value for data items we using the udc user will defining the list of values
the udc is made up 2 parts 1.code 2.description

12.what is udc type?
is made up of code type which is 2 character name
ex:search type
phone type

each udc type is associated with product code
use define code type table(f0004)(product code type)
use defined code table (f0005)(code description)

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

jde interview questions_part9

1.what is interactive application?
an interactive application is the interface between the a user and a data base  table (using the business view )a user uses an interactive application to add ,modify or view data using a form

2.what is application?

application is the collection of one or more forms

3.what is form?

interface between the a user and a table

4.what are the form types?
8 types of forms
a.find & browse
b.fix inspect
c.header detail
d.header less detail
h.power forms

5.what is find & browse? the entry point to an application,which form has to be  initially first activated also called inquiry form
c.we have one grid control in this form can attach only one business view in this form
e.use this form  
search,view and select multiple records in a grid,
delete records,
exit to another form to add,update, or view table record

6.what is fix&inspect?
a.add or update single record  at the time
b.we can enter single record at the time
c.this form attach only one business view
d.there is no grid control in this form
e.this form include OK and cancel buttons
f.when you click the OK button updates or additions are written to the table cancel button any changes you have made are lost  no database changes are made

7.what is header detail?
a.updating and existing record to the two table  at the time can attach two business views in the form
c.we have one grid control in this from,in this grid control include input capable grid ,is nothing but enter the records in the grid
d.updates the multiple records at the time
e.include two buttons in this form OK and cancel,
click OK button add or update to the both the table
click cancel button any changes are lost and no database changes are made

8.what is header less detail form?
a.update the multiple records to the one table
b.attach single business view in this form
c.we have one grid control ,this is also input capable grid
d.use in this form display the multiple records in a grid,and view ,add change,and delete records

9.what is search and select form?
a.use to find out the records
b.use this form to locate a value and return in to the calling field called visual assist,or hyper control,or torch symbols
d.attach one grid control that grid there is no input capable
f.finding to the record and increasing performance

10.what is parent child form?
a.this form represent the parent/child relationships in an applications
b.omw is the exact example of the parent child
c.right portion of the detail view
d.left portion of the tree view

11.what is message form?
a.display the messages  are request action form the user can add only static text and push buttons
c.there is no business view in this form
d.allow standard push buttons including OK,cancel,yes and no buttons.
e.example are you sure you want delete this record

12.what is power form? collection of multiple forms
b.functionality of every form
c.collections of sub forms is called power form
d.sub form we attach single business view
e.sub form we can attach single grid control
f.power form attach multiple grid control
g.power form attach multiple tab control
h.attach the multiple business view
i.two types of sub forms embedded sub forms,reusable sub forms




jde interview questions_part8

1.what is ERP ?
enterprise resource planing it is a business management system .which includes many diver set of modules which are interrelated

2.what is modules?

is a set of applications .that perform a specific set of tasks on a specific data in the database

3.what is erp advantage?
 higher management easily understand to take the decision making with a point of time 

4.advantages of JDE?

a.easy for business management system
b.time saving
c.cast repetition
d.efficiency is more
e.user friendly can be worked on multiple platform
g.they said good profits from the business

5.features of JDE?

A.Configurable network computing
b.Multi plat form
c.accent supply chain
f.user friendly many types of modules?

 2 types of modules a.functional , b.technical
functional modules are 
c.manufacturing module
e.transpiration module
f.real estate management
g.customer relationship management  
h.groaner management
i.approach management

technical modules are

b.application design
c.event rules function
f.additional features

7.what is mean by object?
 is a reusable entity that is based on software application created by one world tools 

8.project life cycle?

project is collection of objects

a.create a new project
b.add user/owner to the project
c.add object to the project
d.check object out and in
e.advance project
f.complete project

9.JDE environments?

10.what is table?
table is collection of data in rows and columns ,data item becomes field in the table

11.what is table generation?
 after you have selected data items and assigned indices   for your table .you are ready to configure ,the table for a specific data source .if u have not established an index your generation will fail
you must generate a table to create the physical table you cannot  add or update the table until it is generated
table generation also creates a .h files  .that is used for compiling in business functions and table event rules
you must regenerate a table if u modify it for example if you delete or add data items
you use generate to generate a newly modified table the existing data in the table will be lost



Saturday, 3 March 2012

jde interview questions_part7

1.what is event?

events are activities the occur in a form
ex: add,save,submit these are all events

2.what is a control?
a  control is reusable object that appears on a form,example,include push buttons,edit fields,and grids.
every control having the event rules in that event rules have multiple events

3.what is event rules?

event rules are logic  statement that we can create and attached to the events

4.what is types of event rules?

1.if else conditional statement
2.while loop
3.assignment operator business functions system function
6.table i/o
7.form inter connection inter connection

5.what is form processing?

form processing refers to the business logic associated with the each form .by default each type of one world form automatically include  basic processing for various events .then using event rule design you can build a additional logic.form processing depends on the occurrence of specific events .such as initializing a form change the value of a field

6.what is business function event rules?

business function event rules encapsulated reusable business logic created using event rules rather than 'c' programing .they are store as object and are compiled ,business functions event rules are some times called named event rules.

7.what is embedded event rules?

embedded event rules are specific to a particular table.interactive application or batch application.they are not reusable .embedded event rules can be application event rules or table event rules they can be compiled or UN compiled

8.what is applications event rules?

you can add business logic that is specific to a particular application interactive application,connect event rules via form design batch applications are report design

9.what is table event rules?

you can create database triggers or rules that are attached to a table through table design event rules many types of variables? column
2.grid column
3.grid buffer
4.form control
5.form inter connection
6.processing option
7.query by example
8.event rule variable
9.system variable
10.table column
11.text variable variable constant
14.input column and  out put column
15.previous business view column


Thursday, 1 March 2012

jde interview questions_part6

1.what is table conversion?

 is a type of batch process that enables you to rapidly manipulate the data in tables

2.what type of conversions you can do in TC

data conversions,data copy,data copy with table input ,batch delete

data conversions:  enables you to transfer or copy data from an input table  or business view into output tables using to logic.this is necessary to perform the transfer .you can also use data conversion to update records in a table or business view
data copy :  enables you to copy tables from one data source or environment to another source or environment .when the tables are identical
data copy with table input: enables you to copy tables based on information from an input table .for example the input table provide information about which tables are copied when they are copied and so on
batch delete: enables you to delete records from a table or business view

3.what is table conversion process flow?

data copy : the conversion type does not include input and out put tables.all actions are accomplished through the process begin event.

data copy with table input: the conversion type does not include output table .all actions are accomplished through the process begin,process end and row fetched event

batch delete: as with the data copy with table input type. the conversion type does not include output table .all actions are accomplished through the process begin,process end and row fetched event many inputs a TC can have?


5.what is foreign table?

Non - JDE  table are called foreign table not defined by one world

6.what is difference between fetch single and select, fetch next?

fetch single retrieves only a single row(based on primary index)and select fetch next retrieves more than one record many out puts can be attached in a batch delete?


8.what is flow of events in TC?
process begin,data changed,row fetched,format fetched,and process end

9.what is difference between user insert row and   TC insert row?

a user insert row can defined  anywhere but TC insert has to be defined at the end of the event

10.what is a processing option and where do you attach it in a TC?

 it is a run time user input and you attach po in the external data of the navigation window

11.What is table conversion system functions?

Tc insert row
User insert row
Set selection append flag
Set user selection
Stop conversion processing
Stop event processing
copy table data source
Copy table data invironment

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

jde interview questions_part5

1.explain in report event flow?
a.initializing section :  occurs when a batch process encounters  a section for the first time,use this event to do processing immediately before a section begins.this event is useful for working with global variables

b.advance section :  occurs when each time you perform a fetch from the data base use this event if u need processing on objects before the fetch section :  occurs following an advance section, after values have been assigned to print out to a printer or an output file

d.after lost object printed : occurs after a row is printed an output file  it is used to process information after a row has been  output

e.end section : occurs after a batch process has been completed processing the last set of section values .use this event to do processing immediately after a section ends

2.what is set  selection append flag and set user selection?
set selection append flag : enables you to add, append or overwrite data selection and data sequencing for a selection

set user selection : enables you to define data selection and data sequencing for a selection

3. what is report?

a report is nothing but batch application used to represent the data in useful format or user defined format

4.what are the various types of detail sections available  with report design?

columnar, group, tabular
a. columnar section: is a fixed format we cont change the format  this is least flexible section

b. group section : is free form design capability .it is the most flexible section we cont change the format .we can drag and drop any ware variable and constant in section 

c.tabular section: it is same like columnar section and additional features are 1.drill down future 2.automatic totaling 3. subtotaling    and it is balance sheet

5.what is level break ,level break header and level break footer?
 level break:  will be occur when data will be changed and difference between the data

level break header: will be occur beginning of the header it show the information with in the detailed section 

level break footer : it will be occur in after the level break this is use in field the accumulate the total 

6.what is an aggregate object?

an aggregate object is an object that holds the result of a calculation on the values in other fields.for example the calculation could be a sum of values an average of values or a count of records do you invoke custom sections?

using the system function do_custom_section do you print text attachments in a report?

using media object system functions is possible to adapt the data selection and data sequencing from another section in the same report? if yes how?  

yes using the system function use data sel/seq from a section is possible to  do transaction processing from reports?how?

yes using the transaction processing functions begin,commit and rollback transaction business functions

11.some report system function?

Set selection append flag
Set sequence append flag
Set ube error
Set user selection
Stop batch processing
Stop event processing
Use data selection from section
Use data sequence from sequence

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

jde interview questions_part4

1.what is meant by scope of a variable?
an event rule variable associate with a data dictionary item.but it does not reside of data dictionary.once it created it can only be used  a specific interactive applications,batch applications,or business functions event rule
 in that scope we have 3 options enables you to use the event rule variable in any event in any section of the report.upon completion of the variable .the system adds a prefix of  report to the variable name
2.section: enables you to use the event rule variable in multiple-events of the selected sections . upon completion of the variable .the system adds a prefix of  section to the variable name
3.event: enables you to use the event rule variable in the event where it was created. upon completion of the variable .the system adds a prefix of  event to the variable name

2.what is solution explorer ?
the solution explorer is an interface that has been created to replace the one world explorer.starting with release erp9.0.solution explorer is automatically installed as a part of any one world xe or erp8.0 installation (light blub icon)including standalone

3.what is smart field?
smart fields are the fields which provide the ability to add complex and reusable calculations to the report,smart fields are grouped by a field template,which is based on a particular business view it is glossary type is k

4.what is the us e of text variables in report?

text variables are used to store strings,which can be attached to the reports,using event rules they are used as alternative to hard coding text strings in assignments

5.what is the  us of custom sections in reports?
custom sections allow you to control through event rules the in formations that prints on a report ,we can use custom section to print additional information,depending on certain criteria

6.what is the use of data structure/
this is used pass the parameters to the report,when it is called from another report

7.what is subsection join?
]a link established between the two sections in a report by using the common fields,that exist between the different business view.these to sections are called parent and child sections

8.explain report event flow?
a.initialize section
b.advance section
c.before level break
d.level break header section section
f.after lost object printed
g.end break section
h.end section

jde interview questions_part3

1.dd item attributes?
a.determine how a data item appears on forms and reports(number of decimals and default values)
b.validates data entry with an application
c.assign columns and row descriptions on forms and reports
d.define how data is stored in a table

2.what is an environment?
environment= Ocm + Path codes
OCM : object configuration manager is a tool that configures distributed processing and distributed data at run time without requiring programing
Path code: it is a pointer to specific set of objects .a path  code  is used to locate central and replicated objects

3.some features of data dictionary?
dynamic,when you change a data item the changes are immediately occurs through out one world

4.explain what is check in and check out?
checkout: to getting the objects specifications from server to workstations is called checkout
check in: taking the objects specifications from workstations to server is called check in

5.what are the business view?and why do u need the business view?
business view is a link between applications and data,business view is generated one one or more tables
it defines the data items from one or more tables that an applications uses.with business view you can select only the columns needed for an application which increases your system performance due to less data moving over the network

6.what are the different form types?
find/browse,search,select,header detail,parent child,message form do u submit a report from an application?
through report interconnection

8.what are media objects?
media objects are images which allows to attach information to one world forms and applications

9.what is ube?what different uses of ube?
universal batch engine,printing reports,batch applications,and table conversions

10.what are versions?
versions are user defined specifications attached through processing option

11.what is the difference between interactive and batch versions ?
interactive are not necessary to check in .where as batch versions to be check in ,because batch versions have local specifications

jde interview questions_part2

1. what is a data structure?

a data structure is a list of parameters,that is used to pass data between applications and tables  or forms

2.what are the types of data structures?

a.system generated data structures
b.user defined data structures

3.what are the system generated data structures?

a.form data structures data structures

4.what are the user defined data structures? object data structures
b.processing option data structure function data structure

5.what is the use of processing options?

processing options are used  pass parameters to applications.they control how interactive and batch applications process data do you find information about object usage in one world?

 using the cross reference facility

7.what is the difference between one world and one world xe?

one world doesn't have omw and token only has object librarian

8.what are the required field when adding an object?

a.object name

c.product code

9.what is a token ?

 a token is  reference to an object used to determine the ownership of  the object and prevent non owners 
from  checking the object out in omw

10.what is a data dictionary?

a data dictionary is a central repository containing data item definitions and attributes.just like a dictionary contains word definitions

jde interview questions_part1

1.what is omw?
: the object management work bench is the change management system for one world helps organize a lot number of development activities and helps prevent problems.such as inter mixing components from different releases and simultaneous changes to any object by multiple developers

2.What is Object Librarian objects?

a,Batch applications and versions
b.Business functions
d.Data structure
5.Interactive applications
7.Media Objects

3.What are the non object librarian objects?

a.User defined codes
b.Data dictionary items
c.Workflow items and menu

4.What is the meaning of project status code 21?

it is the project under development phase

5.what is the use of next numbering table(f0002)

the next numbering table provides the facility for automatic numbering of items such as account numbers , overture numbers address numbers there any limitation of number of tables used in business view?

simple inner join add 5 tables 
left and right outer join add 3 tables

7.what is the limitation of maximum number of columns used in business view?
  256 do u eliminate duplicate rows in business view?

using select distinct future

9.what are the types of joins available in business view ?
a. simple inner join
b.left outer join
c.right outer join